The presence of only one fertile female bed bug in a friendly environment such as a single or multiple family dwelling is an infestation that is waiting to happen. Since a healthy, blood-fed female bed bug can produce from 200-500 healthy eggs during her lifetime and may lay from 2-5 eggs each day, the likelihood of an infestation of bed bugs is extremely high unless bed bug control efforts by your pest management professional are employed to bed bug infestation treatment.
How to Dispose of Bed Bug Infested Furniture
If you’ve experienced or are currently wading through a bed bug infestation, your first thoughts may be to just throw out any bed bug infested furniture. While that seems like the quickest plan to rid your home of bed bugs, it’s not necessarily the best idea. By moving a bed bug infested mattress or other piece of furniture, you risk spreading the infestation to other areas of your home.
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